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Winter Highlights May 3, 2016

Posted by freda in Birmingham, Michigan.

When you live in the east, it’s always a good idea to plan a few get-aways during the cold winter months. This year turned out to be a pretty mild winter, but we took those get-aways, anyway.  🙂

First up was 6 days in Mesa, Arizona at the end of January.  We stayed 3 nights in a hotel while we visited with Don’s mother and her husband, who winter every year in Mesa, and then 3 nights with friends who have a winter home there.   A few highlights of our week included a hike in the desert..

Don, Bill, Elsie at the trail head

Don, Bill, Elsie at the trail head

beautiful dessert flora (Don)

beautiful desert flora (Don)

interesting growth

interesting growth

love the saguaro

love the saguaro (Don)


weird growth (Don)

somebody's home

somebirdie’s home

flowers were just beginning to show

flowers were just beginning to show

..as well as a visit to the wonderful Heard Museum in Phoenix, highly recommended. Our docent was very informative during a one-hour tour.

Heard Museum

Heard Museum

one of these women is not like the others..

one of these women is not like the others..

This ‘art fence’ installation, entitled “Indigenous Evolution,” just inside the entrance of the museum, was most stunning:

a beautiful combination of glass and clay

a beautiful combination of glass and clay





another angle

another angle

I was really taken with this work

I was really taken with this installation

Man in a Maze, a common motif

Man in a Maze, a common motif

this bronze sculpture by Allan Houser was very powerful

this bronze sculpture by Allan Houser was very powerful

sculpture information

sculpture information

sculpture detail

sculpture detail

We enjoyed great pizza and fun entertainment at Organ Stop Pizza, home of the Mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ: http://www.organstoppizza.com/

the Mighty Wurlitzer

the Mighty Wurlitzer

playing the Alley Cat song….

Don and I also toured Frank Lloyd Wright’s summer home and School of Architecture, Taliesin West. Like everything Wright built, it was fascinating, but I always feel too tall in his houses!  😉

Taliesin West buildings

Taliesin West buildings

every surface and angle is always meticulously planned

every surface and angle is always meticulously planned

one of several Asian decorating details inserted into the exterior of the house

one of several Asian decorating details inserted into the exterior of the house

part of the grounds

part of the grounds

love how the building blends right into the landscape

love how the building blends right into the landscape

lego model of Taliesen West

lego model of Taliesin West

All in all, a lovely little get-away.

In February I went to Vancouver for two weeks, mostly to help my mother during a little elective surgery for a drooping eye lid.  All is well with mom, and I had the added bonus of spending time with our boys, visiting a few friends, and walking in my favourite city, where spring was already springing!

beautiful day

beautiful day

Jericho Beach

Jericho Beach

snow drops

snow drops



and cherry blossoms starting!

and cherry blossoms starting!

From March 22nd to 29th, calendar-spring though not yet feeling like spring, we had an amazing week in Antigua.  Good friends, Richard and Audrey, have been sailing for well over two years now, starting from California, heading down the west coast to Mexico, Central America, then through the Panama Canal, and into the Caribbean.  You can check out their amazing adventures on their blog: https://travelodyssea.wordpress.com/ 

As it was Audrey’s 50th birthday, we decided it was the perfect time to connect with them on their journey for a surprise birthday celebration.  Joining us were more good friends, Diane and Julio.  The six of us had all met in Florida, when Don, Diane and Richard all worked for GM in the (now-defunct) LAAM division.  With Richard in on the planning, and Audrey completely in the dark, we rented a 3-bedroom villa for the week. Don and I flew in from Detroit, and Diane and Julio flew in from Spain, meeting up within an hour of each other.  We picked up a rental car, groceries and “libations,” unloaded at the villa, and then we were off to Jolly Harbour, where Richard and Audrey’s boat was anchored, for the BIG SURPRISE.  And it was!!  A great surprise and very happy reunion.  😀

The week was lovely, spending time with friends, enjoying the villa with infinity pool and beautiful views, and checking out a few sights.  We did most of our own cooking, only going out twice.  Good thing Julio, Audrey and I all love to cook.  🙂

first morning at the Villa, view from the patio table

first morning at the Villa, view from the patio table, over-looking pool and bay

the Villa

the Villa

book club! ;)

Audrey, me, Diane: enjoying pool-time book club!

Audrey and I doing a little food prep

Audrey and I doing a little food prep

Chef Julio

Chef Julio

Richard, Julio and Don on clean-up

Richard, Julio and Don on clean-up

One excursion we made was to Devil’s Bridge, a “natural arch, carved by the sea, out of the limestone, over hundreds of years, and with several blowholes.”  It was windy and we got sprayed, but it was a lovely view point.

at Devil's Bridge

at Devil’s Bridge

yes, that's Don getting sprayed

yes, that’s Don getting sprayed

Don again (!), but you can see the 'bridge' that the waves have carved out

Don again (!), but you can see the ‘bridge’ that the waves have carved out

Audrey, Don, Freda, Richard

Audrey, Don, Freda, Richard

Don went back to the point the next day as there was a kite festival happening.  The rest of us were too tired and/or lazy, which is too bad, because he got some great photos, only a fraction of which I’m placing here:

overview of the kite festival

overview of the kite festival

beautiful and colourful kites

beautiful and colourful kites

intriguing kites

intriguing kites

young flier

young (unhappy) flier

sunset view from the house

sunset view from the house

Sunday was Audrey’s 50th birthday – a day of celebrating, starting with sparkling wine in the morning!

Happy 50th to Audrey!

Happy 50th to Audrey!

birthday morning cheers!

birthday morning cheers!

After a relaxing day at the pool, out we went, first tour a little of Nelson’s Dockyard at English Harbour, a cultural heritage site and marina, named for Admiral Horatio Nelson, who lived at the dockyard between 1784 & 1787..

Nelson's Dockyard

Nelson’s Dockyard

original pillars - all that is left that hasn't been rebuilt or restored

original pillars – all that is left of the boathouse, where they fixed the British ships

Audrey among the pillars

Audrey among the pillars

Diane and Captain Julio

Diane and Captain Julio

dockyard building

dockyard building

English Harbour view

English Harbour view

From the Dockyards, we drove up to Shirley Heights, overlooking English Harbour, for their regular Sunday-night sunset PARTY.  With a bar and a barbeque, and a steel drum band playing, we watched the sun go down and celebrated Audrey.

the gang

the gang

the crowd

the crowd

the band

the band

the band

the band

a player in the band

a player in the band

…here’s a snippet of “The World is a Ghetto”…

sunset cheers!

sunset cheers!

more sunset cheers :)

more sunset cheers 🙂

Last, but not least, the view..

English Harbour

English Harbour

as the sun starts to set

as the sun starts to set

great sky

great sky



and the lights come on

and the lights come on

For our last evening, we went back to Jolly Harbour to have dinner at a fantastic Italian restaurant, with live music by amazing vocalist Asher Otto, and her band.

ready to head out

ready to head out

Jolly Harbour

Jolly Harbour

the sun goes down on our last evening

the sun goes down on our last evening

at the harbour bar - I was sorry to miss being served from this truck

at the harbour bar – I was sorry to miss being served from this truck

tiny Asher Otta with a big voice

tiny Asher Otto with a big voice

the end of a wonderful evening

the end of a wonderful evening

Richard and Audrey slept on their boat that night because the four of us needed to pack up and head to the airport the next morning.

good-bye beautiful pool and view

good-bye beautiful pool and view

good-bye Pelican House

good-bye Pelican House

good-bye Birthday Girl

good-bye Birthday Girl

Last, but definitely NOT least, Don and I went to Las Vegas for a long weekend, because Don surprised me at Christmas with tickets to see Elton John in concert during his 2-week April stint!!!!!  This was ‘bucket-list’ for me!!  😀

We stayed at the Cosmopolitan, which is a very lovely Marriott, arriving late Thursday evening, with enough time to unpack and then have a snack and drink at one of the many hotel bars.

The Cosmopolitan

The Cosmopolitan (view from the Bellagio)

morning view from our balcony

morning view from our balcony

We have friends who have a part-time home in Vegas, and we spent Friday with them. Don and Brian golfed, while Rose showed me some of the sights of Vegas away from The Strip.  First up, a tour of Wayne Newton’s Casa de Shenandoah.  Mr. Las Vegas’ estate has only been open to the public for less than 2 years. The tour experience starts with a 15-minute video at the visitor center, all about Mr. Newton, and then you board a shuttle to cross the street and enter the compound through opulent gates.  On the compound you tour his private jet, a large museum full of memorabilia of his times entertaining the troops abroad, meetings with presidents, a large car collection, several of his costumes – so many details from a very full life (still being lived) – plus his stables of 50 Arabian horses, which he breeds, and then, lastly, what was his home. (He now lives elsewhere.)

welcome to Casa de Shenandoah

welcome to Casa de Shenandoah

private jet and view of grounds

private jet and view of grounds

some of the large car collection

some of the large car collection

I took this picture of a picture because it reminded me of Don and his brother playing dress-up.

Wayne (left) and his brother Jerry, as the Rascals in Rhythm (I took this picture of a picture because it reminded me of Don and his brother playing dress-up)

Wayne (left) and his brother Jerry, as the Rascals in Rhythm

some of the many Native American inspired costumes

some of the many costumes, inspired by his Native American roots

one of the many Arabian horses

one of the many Arabian horses

the home

the home

the living room

the living room

We stopped for lunch after the tour, and then drove to Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area. It’s just 17 miles west from The Strip and you’re in a completely different – and beautiful – world.  We followed the 13-mile scenic drive, making a few stops along the way.

beautiful red rock

beautiful red rock

love the colour contrast

rock climbers! This is a prime rock-climbing area

beautiful landscape

beautiful landscape

interesting flora

interesting flora

amazingly green for the desert, after recent rain

amazingly green for the desert, after recent rain

so many colours

so many colours

the rock really is amazing

the rock really is red, and varied

Back at Brian and Rose’s home, we met up with the golfers, had drinks and appetizer, and then went out for a lovely dinner.

The next day Don and I took a tour of the Mob Museum, officially The National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement, “dedicated to the history of organized crime in the United States and the actions and initiatives by law enforcement to prevent such crimes.”  It’s a fascinating museum, where you could spend hours.  We had an excellent docent to give us the highlights in a little over 2 hours.  http://themobmuseum.org/

Mob Museum

Mob Museum

From the museum it was just a few blocks to Fremont Street, the first paved street in Las Vegas in 1925, and the historic center of Las Vegas.

classic Downtown casino/hotel, The Golden Nugget

classic Downtown casino/hotel, The Golden Nugget

We wandered to Container Park, an open-air center of shops and restaurants, literally built from containers, where we had lunch.

approaching Container Park

approaching Container Park

the praying mantis guards the entrance

the praying mantis guards the entrance

sculpture detail

sculpture detail

great graffiti in the area

great graffiti in the area

striking image

striking image

We went back to the hotel to enjoy a few hours by the pool, (very hard to find a chair in the middle of the afternoon!) and then grabbed a light supper and drink before walking down the Strip to the Venetian to see a performance by Human Nature, an excellent quartet from Australia.  http://www.humannaturelive.com/

We walked back to the hotel and stopped in at the Cosmopolitan’s Chandelier Bar, a great spot.

somewhere in the long hallways of the Cosmopolitan

somewhere in the long hallways of the Cosmopolitan

Chandelier Bar, from the outside

Chandelier Bar, from the outside

Chandelier Bar from the inside

Chandelier Bar from the inside

a cosmopolitan at the Chandelier Bar in the Cosmopolitan (of course! :) )

a cosmopolitan at the Chandelier Bar in the Cosmopolitan (of course! 🙂 )

On Sunday, after breakfast, we went right to the pool.  Turns out 10:30 is the time to get there if you want a prime location lounge chair.  😉

perfect timing

perfect timing

the scene a little later..

the scene a little later..

Sunday was the BIG event.  First we enjoyed an excellent meal at the Cosmopolitan Tapas restaurant, Jaleo.. https://www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com/restaurants/jaleo

we ate under the bull

we ate under the bull (!)

..and then we walked down to the Colosseum at Caesar’s Palace to see Elton John. We had great seats, he put on an amazing show, it was a perfect night!

the stage

the stage set-up

The visuals were great: the side edge of the piano reflected what was on the back screen…

great visuals

great visuals

I loved the video during Philadelphia Freedom, and this time the piano remained an American Flag…

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

Philadelphia Freedom

I have one 5 second snippet of a video.. didn’t realize (in the dark) I’d pressed record.  Mostly I just enjoyed the show!

dramatic lighting

dramatic lighting

Near the end of the show, the first few rows of the audience were invited up on stage, with confetti raining down..

Elton John is in the bottom left corner...

Elton John is in the bottom left corner…

He played for a full two hours, no break – though his band got a break part way through, as he played solo. And while he doesn’t quite have the vocal range anymore, I think his voice is richer. No matter the voice, he is a consummate performer, and it was definitely a night to remember.

On the way back to the hotel, we enjoyed the fountain play at the Bellagio, always a crowd-pleaser.

Bellagio fountain plays to music

Bellagio fountain plays to music

Bellagio fountain

Bellagio fountain

full force

full force

And then a night cap at our favourite sparkling bar… We left the next morning, after an excellent weekend!

another cosmo, of course

another cosmo, of course

And that’s that for our “winter highlights,” some of which was actually during the spring.  😉  Next up, Budapest!  Stay tuned….





1. Laura Lee Pirtle - May 3, 2016

I had to go through this twice because there is so much to see and read. I enjoyed seeing Vancouver pictures because I haven’t been there and it means so much to you. The cacti pictures were unique and fun to see. Antigua is one of only a handful of Caribbean islands I haven’t been to but now I think I MUST! That pool and view!!!! I bet the whole island knew this fun group hanging out celebrating! Thank you also for showing that there is a Vegas beyond the Strip….I love Red Rock…our home was at the foothills of RR in Summerlin and it brought back great memories. All in all, I’m glad you got to go to these fun places and I appreciate you sharing your trip with us! What’s next on your Bucket List??

freda - May 4, 2016

Thanks for the feedback, Laura Lee. I’m glad you enjoyed my ramblings. I was happy to see there is so much beyond the Strip in Vegas – up until this visit I’d always felt it was a one-time-only kind of place, but I was pleasantly surprised, and would definitely go back. I wouldn’t say you had to see Antigua, though, unless you could rent that villa! The island is mostly just beautiful beaches (many of them!) but not much in the way of towns or things to do. Our sailing friends put it at the bottom of their Caribbean islands choices – barring the great fun we all had together, of course. 🙂 As for Vancouver – once we live there again, you will visit me and I will wow you with my favourite city! My Bucket List is open-ended. There are SO MANY places I haven’t yet seen. Stay tuned. 🙂

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