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Where did the summer go (and autumn, for that matter)… a few highlights… November 16, 2011

Posted by freda in Birmingham, Michigan.

Yes, (eep), I’m deliquent – summer is long gone, autumn is fast fading, and Don and I are now getting ready for an exciting trip to Istanbul, which means I need to hurry and get a few pictures from this summer posted before it’s time to blog about this new trip.  So, here are the highlights….

First up, at the end of May, we attended Lucas’s graduation ceremony at UBC.  He received  a BFA with honours, in creative writing, and we couldn’t be more proud! 🙂

Lucas, and students file into theatre

the University of British Columbia

our graduate

After the ceremony, Don and I took the available family out for a celebratory dinner.  In attendance, besides the four of us, Don’s mother Elsie and her husband Bill, Don’s sister Janet, her husband Lex, and son Keeghan.   We had a lovely evening and an excellent meal at the Salmon House in North Vancouver.

the menu

the table

Lucas, Keeghan, Nico

Elsie and Janet

Bill and Lex

toasting the graduate

Unfortunately my mother couldn’t be there because she was in Calgary witnessing my younger niece, Brianna, graduate from high school and give the valedictorian address.  We’re so proud of her, too, and wish we could have been there!

congratulation Brianna! With (her mom) my sister, Kate, and (dad) Vince

with my mom, before the dinner/dance

my beautiful nieces, Brianna and Kirsten

Don and I were back in Vancouver in July – Don for the first two weeks, and I stayed the whole month.  We visited family and friends and enjoyed time with the boys.  We also went to the interior of B.C., to Peachland, where Don’s father and his wife live, and spent a day touring and tasting at a few of the local wineries.

at a winery, overlooking Lake Okanagan

family shot

The last day of July was my last day in Vancouver, and also Gay Pride Parade day.  The night before, Lucas held his annual Pre-Pride-Party and I made rainbow jello shots!

rainbow jello shots

the gang played Cranium

The weather was perfect for the parade.

parade marshall

Lucas, friend Spencer, and me


August was busy with weekend events.  On the first weekend we headed to our good friends’ cottage in the Muskoka Lakes, Ontario for a long weekend.  Warren and Maureen were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary and decided the theme of their party would be “Across the Universe/Beatles/60s.”  Don and I took the theme to heart and became John and Yoko during their Bed-In for Peace:

"all we are saying is give peace a chance..."

with Warren and Maureen

the boathouse, festooned with Union Jacks

with Graziano, from Venice, and the gorgeous lake behind...

we look *just* like the real deal! Thanks, Gary, for the photo-shop.

The second August weekend, we flew to Boston for two nights….  Our first night we were guests of Bobby and Peggy Orr, and Don was able to pay off his lost Stanley Cup bet to Bobby.

Don, Freda, Bobby, Peggy

Our second night we stayed in a hotel on the Long Wharf in Boston and packed in as much touring as we could in 24 hours.  We walked the Freedom Trail, wandered through Boston Common, went on a Duck tour, had a drink at the Quincy market and a fantastic seafood dinner at one of the Legal Seafood locations.

George Washington, Public Garden, Boston Common

a few of the 8 duckling statues from Robert McCloskey's beloved children's book, "Make Way for Ducklings"

kids LOVE the ducklings

so cute

commemorative placque to Robert McCloskey's book

Highlights along the Freedom Trail walk:

The Freedom Trail marker

Massachusetts State House

Park Street Church

revolutionary history is found in the Old Granary Burying Ground

Samuel Adams also in Old Granary Burying Ground

Old South Meeting House

Old South Meeting Hall

Of course we stopped by the TD Gardens….

Bobby Orr statue outside Bruin's arena

and from the Duck tour:

the "Ducks" - WWII era, amphibious vehicles

into the river we go..

And more walking, first past Trinity Church and the (closed) library, and on to fashionable Newbury Street, where we had lunch at Trident Bookstore and Cafe, because you know I’d have to check out a local bookstore!

Trinity Church (under restoration)

Trinity Church, up close

the square in front of the church (Don and the rabbits)

the library, unfortunately closed on Sunday

All too quickly it was time to head to the airport.  We had a wonderful overview of a lovely city full of history.

The third weekend of August was the famous “Woodward Dream Cruise.”  You can look it up on wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodward_Dream_Cruise  It’s a one-day extravaganza, but all week leading up to the event, the cars are on parade.  Here’s a sampling of  what we saw….

Dream Cruise parade, through Birmingham



furry passenger

is this a car?!?

a long, slow traffic jam... at least there's lots ot look at!

such a variety

celebrating 100 years of Chevrolet

turns out we knew these Canadians! how weird is that?!?

And there you have it, the summer “highlights.”

Next up: Istanbul!!

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