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Happy year of the Rabbit February 18, 2011

Posted by freda in Birmingham, Michigan.

Happy Chinese New Year 2011

Well, actually, Happy belated year of the Rabbit!!  Yesterday was the Lantern Festival, which signals the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.  But, better late than never, right?!?  I wish all of you a wonderful year.  🙂

I am sadly behind in blogging.  January turned out to be rather a full month, and I’ve been “frittering-and-wasting the hours of the days in various and sundry offhand ways” (to paraphrase the great Pink Floyd song, Time) during these weeks of February.  I promise to get back to it, with a post about my trip with Lucas to NYC for 6 days in January coming to you shortly.   Until then, a few statistics …  At the beginning of the New Year (our New Year, that is), I received an email from wordpress, the site which houses my blog, to tell me how well I’m doing with my blog.  They tell me my blog was viewed 1400 times in the last year; I wrote 20 new posts; I uploaded 773 pictures; and the most popular post was the one entitled “Kindergarten – Keeping Warm – Fish – Mahjong.”   They also tell me the “about” page of my blog was the second most popular – which makes me feel bad, since I haven’t put any information there.  So, I promise to revise that this year.

New to my blog, some of you may already have noticed, is a side bar that lists the books I’ve read, as I read them.   I’ve listed all the books starting in January 2010, since that’s when I, effectively, started this blog.  As I finish a book, I will post the title and author.  A caveat, though: I’m just listing the books I read – a record for me, a reference for you – but not saying if I thought they were worth reading, or not.  If you’re interested in what I thought about a particular book, send me an email.

I’ll be back soon with pictures from New York City.   Until then, keep warm.


1. Shelagh Van Kempen - February 19, 2011

you must be pleased with the amount of people checking your blog out

I like the list of books, which I will check out with you

2. Leslie Espeseth - March 15, 2011

no wonder you were behind on your blogging with all the books you have read!!!

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