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Fengjing June 29, 2010

Posted by freda in China.

On Wednesday, June 16th, Sharon and I went on a “field trip” to the village of Fengjing, about a 1 1/2 hour drive from the city.  Sharon had the day off because it was the Dragon Boat Festival.  Mr. Shi drove us.  The town is famous as the peasant farmer’s painting village, and is also a small water village with a temple and other things to see.  Sharon’s and my purpose in going was to view and buy the famous paintings, but first we walked all through the water village.

Fengjing water village

scenic bridges and canals

and ever-present laundry

I love the windows

this reminded me of the Tower Gate in London

scenic canal AND laundry!

 Street scenes:

apple cart

Sharon got a great close up!

this lady was cleaning mushrooms

Sharon captured the full scene

roasted frogs for sale (we didn't buy them!)

the meat counter (unwrapped, in the open)

Mr. Shi buying some treat his wife likes (but I didn't)

the next six pictures are taken by Sharon – who is much bolder at taking intimate shots…

these people are playing mahjong - and shooed Sharon away when she took a picture

a sewing shop

when Sharon showed the woman this picture she didn't like it, so let Sharon take another

what a great face

plastic laid down in the main street of the village so this boy could squat and poop!

I love these rural scenes


and recycling

 This town also had an important centre from the Communist Party’s time, including an air raid shelter…

Comrades Sharon and Freda

the whole room

a display of Mao badges

Then to the actual peasant farmer’s painting village…

an explanation of the painting style

buildings decorated in the painting style

more decorated buildings

the painters are also farmers - the vegetable gardens

more gardens

artist at work


her work station

Sharon is thrilled to meet this artist as it turned out she already owned one of her paintings..

she picked cucumbers from her garden for us

We bought a few paintings from this woman – she was so sweet, and very happy to have someone in her shop – it was a quiet day.  And then we wandered further down the path…

the path...

and ate lunch at a little local spot.  Mr. Shi ordered for us, and Sharon worried about the cleanliness and food, but it was delicious.   We shared a bottle of beer, so I figure that killed any bacteria!  See us drinking our beer from bowls….

Mr. Shi enjoying Sharon's use of Mandarin

drinking beer out of bowls - and our feast

And again you ask, so what did you buy??  Two from the artist in the photos…

rice planting scene

laundry hanging and shoes drying on the roof

and one larger picture from a shop in the town…

blossoming branches in porcelain vases

The photos don’t do them justice, so you’ll have to visit me in my new home… once I have one!  It was a long, hot day, but a very successful shopping adventure.


1. Shelagh Van Kempen - June 30, 2010

What a interesting looking village and I love the picture of the laundry and the shoes, so typical

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