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The sleeping Chinese June 23, 2010

Posted by freda in China.
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Last week, in one of the Shanghai magazines, I read about a website that I recommend you check out.  It will keep you busy until my next blog is finished.  Check out: www.sleepingchinese.com  It’s true that the Chinese are masters at sleeping in any location and in what looks like uncomfortable positions.  I’ve seen many examples, mostly when I don’t have my camera, including a street cleaner inside her garbage cart, another street cleaner sitting on the curb, head on his knees, and Mr. Shi in our van, waiting for my return.   Everytime I see something unique I wish I had my camera, but the photographer of this website has captured some fantastic examples.   I do have a couple of my own “sleeping Chinese” photos for your viewing pleasure. 

I hope he's not guarding anything important!

I love this shot - snoozing in the sun


I’ll be back soon!

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