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Last days in Vancouver January 13, 2010

Posted by freda in Vancouver.

Hey everyone – Happy New Year!

It’s my last week in Vancouver.  On Friday (Jan 15th) Don and I fly to Shanghai (arriving Saturday, Jan 16th).  I’m of two minds about this, because I’ve loved my time in Vancouver (which I think of as ‘home’) with our boys, but I’m getting  very excited to get to my “new home” and settle in.

As you know, during our time in Shanghai we are renting a large 3-bedroom apartment in the downtown Pudong side of the city.  We’re on the 17th floor with a great view of the Huangpu River.  Don moved into the apartment in late November, using temporary furniture for the very few days he was actually in town.  But, the day before he flew to Vancouver to spend the Christmas break here, all our furniture was delivered to the apartment.  He had a very busy, full day supervising six moving men, as well as our driver and the ayi (maid) of our downstairs neighbours/friends/GM collegues, Fred and Sharon, helping for the day.  Everything was moved in, placed and set up and a great many things unpacked, including all the kitchen, though I anticipate re-arranging that whole room.  (The ayi put all the dishes in the cupboards below the counter – great if you’re a small Chinese woman; not so great if you’re a tall woman with bad back and knee!)  Obviously there’s still a lot of work to do besides re-arranging – all of our books are still in boxes (well, the 500 of them we were allowed to take), as are most of my clothes – but our first few days will be so much easier because the bed is ready to sleep in and there are towels and supplies in the bathroom.

I’m looking forward to catching up with our friends who have already settled into their Shanghai lives, and beginning my own discoveries.  However, my initial “discoveries” won’t be many before Don and I leave Shanghai on February 3rd to head to South Africa for about ten days.  There’s a dealer convention that Don must attend and to which spouses have been invited.  We’re taking advantage of holiday time in China (New Year’s) and extending our visit to go to Victoria Falls and maybe a game reserve.  It does seem a shame to miss our first Chinese New Year’s, but the S. Africa opportunity was too good to pass up.

Once we’re back in Shanghai I’ll have a few weeks before our first visitor.  (Well, we didn’t get a 3-bedroom apartment for nothing – start saving your airmiles!)  Don’s mom arrives near the end of February for a two-week visit.  My mother will be our second visitor, arriving on April 10th for a little over two weeks.  And then our boys are coming April 21st until May 5th.  The rotation of family will be great incentive for geting to know the city.

So, after two and a half months of ‘playing mom,’ visiting family and friends (including a six day trip to the frozen hinterland of Calgary to stay with my sister and family), lots of walking to Jericho Beach and along Vancouver city streets, seeing movies, and enjoying Christmas in the city, I’m packing up and preparing for our next adventure.  It won’t be too hard saying goodbye to the boys knowing I’ll see them again in three months.  And we’ll be back in Vancouver sometime in the summer, so my next Vancouver fix is within sight, as well.

As for my next blog – well, that all depends on the “great China wall” and how soon we get the computer program that will allow me through (over?) and onto my site.  My plan (hope) is to write once a month – a sort of diary for me and a way for you to keep in touch, should you be interested.    I’m very much hoping you’ll all take a moment occasionally to drop me a line, either by email or through the blog comment option – news from home will be very much needed and appreciated.

Take care everyone,


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